DFN Projects Options
Possible alternates to pieces sold.
Retreating Tide II or Rising tide at Noyes Neck to replace A Spring Morning Fog 36x48 above chaise
Threatening skies to replace Fog on the horizon 36x36
or move 24x24 sunshine after the storm to replace fog on the horizon 36x36. and have two 12x24s either side of brooding seas 36x48.
the new 12x24 would be roller.
I do also have an additional 16x20 Sunshine after the storm II
Retreating Tide II or Rising tide at Noyes Neck to replace A Spring Morning Fog 36x48 above chaise
Threatening skies to replace Fog on the horizon 36x36
or move 24x24 sunshine after the storm to replace fog on the horizon 36x36. and have two 12x24s either side of brooding seas 36x48.
the new 12x24 would be roller.
I do also have an additional 16x20 Sunshine after the storm II
anniewildeystudio, - 32 Friendship Street, Westerly, RI 02891 e: [email protected] © COPYRIGHT 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.