I found the perfect pillow for 2016!
I found this little pillow while I was mooching around one of my favorite towns, Greenport, Long Island. I couldn't resist it, so it came home with me. It's the perfect reminder in and out of the studio!
It's so easy to get a little stressed in life and in the studio, and while a wee bit of stress can be good when you are working to a deadline, it's also essential to have a sense of calm. Calm allows room for curiosity and play, and ultimately a little bit of magic to happen! And of course we all have to dream a little to manifest our goals and desires. This past year has been a wonderful year in many ways, and I am grateful for the support and encouragement I have had from all of you. A big heartfelt thank you!
I hope the coming year brings you many moments of calm, and time to dream so that you can manifest a little magic for yourselves x
Peace, Health and Happiness
New From The Studio
postcards from me to you! A few of my favorite paintings Fresh off the Press! I have selected a few of my favorite paintings from 2015 for this postcards series, and I'd love you to be the first to receive one from the studio! If you would like a complimentary postcard please email me your mailing address. |